This past week I have been studying rocks and soil with one of my online students from China. We learned about topsoil, subsoil, and bedrock. And spent some time talking about why topsoil is so important for plants to grow. Did you know that the uppermost layer of the topsoil is called ‘humus’ and it […]
Singleness and the Desire for Marriage
From the time I was a child I just knew that I would get married. Dreaming of my future husband and the nearly perfect life we would have together was never an ‘if’ sort of thing. It was always a ‘when’. It wasn’t until college and hitting my twenties without ever having dated that the […]
Singleness and Sanctification
One of the main reasons given for Christian marriage is sanctification. There’s no denying that living with and loving another human being shows you all the icky stuff about yourself and tests your ability to show grace and mercy to others. It also makes sense that secret sin is a lot less likely to be […]
Singleness and Gratitude
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Perhaps as a single it can be easy to think and talk about all of the things we are lacking. For women, maybe it’s coming home and knowing you won’t have a shoulder to cry on […]
The Truth About Discipleship
There’s a saying I’ve heard that goes something like this: People won’t really care how much you know until they know how much you care. As far as I know, this isn’t taken from scripture. But life experience has taught me that it is often very true. I can scream at the top of my […]
One Day at a Time
When I first began learning Spanish in 9th grade there was a song that my teacher played for us. It was the first Christian song I learned in Spanish. It wasn’t my usual style of music but the words stuck in my head. When I went off to college, I would find myself wandering around […]
Recently a friend asked me an interesting question. She said, ‘What’s something, besides what you’re doing right now, that you feel really excited and passionate about doing in the future?’ It didn’t take me long to come up with my answer. It’s one that’s sat in the deepest parts of my heart and the highest […]
A Season for Everything
There’s a funny thing that happens when you work in ministry: the people you serve often expect to receive something from you without realizing how much they give back. The fact of the matter is anyone who studies God’s word and makes an effort to learn it has a promise: His word will not return […]
Corn Shucking
Today we shucked corn. We sat around in small circles a bucket on our laps and corn in our hands. As each one of us worked individually, grain by grain, we also worked together. When all the buckets are full and all the cobs are empty we will all say together that the work is […]
Living in Next Season
Living as a cross-cultural worker I often feel the tension of a life in constant transition. Work doesn’t look the same for me day to day or even month to month. Relationships begin and end as fellow ex-pats move back to the US or my place of service shifts. And often times it can feel […]
A Study of Light
In my last post, I shared about 2022: the year of green. I chose the word green at the end of the year after reflecting back on the moments that were most important. This year, for the first time, I am choosing a word going into the New Year. In fact, on this last day […]
A Word for 2022
Perhaps you’ve heard of the word of the year idea where people choose a word going into the New Year. It could be something like ‘patience’ or ‘friendship’ or ‘grace’. Whatever word you choose, the idea is to go into the year paying attention to that idea. Noticing where it pops up or where it […]
A Christmas Wish for my Readers
This Christmas season I feel especially grateful for some of the changes that have come about in this past year, in particular for my marriage to my loving husband. As a single woman, Christmas was always a big question mark on my calendar. A glaring reminder that I did not have a person or a […]
Imagination in the Christian Life
God meets me sometimes in my imagination, stands at the doorway of all of my memories and invites me to walk with him there. Emily P. Freeman, Simply Tuesday Have you ever considered the presence of God inside your own imagination? Ever imagined Him being your guide as you take a stroll down memory lane […]
The story of a girl who dreamed big and lived small.
Let me tell you a story. The story of a girl who dreamed big and lived small. Whose broken heart was a little worse for the wear. But she didn’t let that stop her from believing that somewhere in this life there would be healing. Maybe you believe in coincidences. In Divine circumstances. Or maybe […]
Transition, Transition: How to Find Your People When Life is Always Changing
Walking into marriage has felt a lot like walking onto the mission field. Suddenly life is different. I have different priorities, new responsibilities, and whether I want them to or not my relationships are changing. But marriage isn’t the only time of transition in this life. We all go through transitions from our earliest stages: […]
A Little Life Update
This is a special blog post because it is the first where I can say that I am typing as Mrs. Galeote. Elí and I have been married for just over a month and we are settling into this new stage in life. For the same reason, my heart has been dwelling on community and […]