Un día a la vez, she thought. One day at a time. That’s the refrain that played on repeat in her head whenever life got too difficult and even a thought about the future too overwhelming for her fragile heart to handle. I often admire her, that girl who had so much faith and just […]
3 Years Later
Here I am sitting in my apartment in Oaxaca listening to the rain. The world is quiet. But in my head resounds this truth, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and He will make your paths straight.” I painted that […]
The Mango Tree
She stood in her small outdoor kitchen putting together the ingredients for today’s lunch: grilled chicken, avocado. “Something is missing,” she thought to herself. After a brief pause, she took off from the kitchen around the corner of the building. Walking towards the front of the complex she headed straight for the door. Just outside, […]