Book Review: In His Image

I have been slowly working my way through Jen Wilkin’s book In His Image over the last few months. If you haven’t heard of Jen you can check out her website ( to read a little more about her and check out her books! She also has some Bible studies available for order. I love […]

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Single and Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day was always a day full of potential for me- potential for happiness or for disappointment. It all started with those boxes of Valentine’s cards you’d buy to hand out at school every year. Each box included to ‘big’ Valentine’s cards for the most special people in you life and enough smaller ones to […]

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Fruit Bearing Faith

One day there was a man who went out for a walk in his field. He carried with him a bag of seeds and as he walked he began to toss them out along his path and all around it letting the seeds fall where they may. Some of the seeds were eaten by birds […]

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Seeking Bethlehem

We walked through the small town and out to the bridge that sits resting just under the nearest mountain. The moon sat quietly above as though it had been hung just a short distance above the tallest peak. To the left of the mountain stood the town and its people as they went about their […]

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Luke 4: A Prophet Returns to His Hometown

Luke 4 is a familiar passage for many. The quote, ‘no prophet is accepted in his hometown.’ is one I have known for years now. What I had forgotten was the context. Here is Jesus preaching in his hometown of Nazareth. He’d previously left his town for Capernaum and began his Earthly ministry. But here […]

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Singleness and a Servant’s Heart

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 Not too long ago I wrote about The Gift of Singleness. If singleness is a gift from God, given to us by his grace, then are we not to use […]

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Singleness and the Desire for Marriage

From the time I was a child I just knew that I would get married. Dreaming of my future husband and the nearly perfect life we would have together was never an ‘if’ sort of thing. It was always a ‘when’. It wasn’t until college and hitting my twenties without ever having dated that the […]

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Singleness and Sanctification

One of the main reasons given for Christian marriage is sanctification. There’s no denying that living with and loving another human being shows you all the icky stuff about yourself and tests your ability to show grace and mercy to others. It also makes sense that secret sin is a lot less likely to be […]

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