As August begins I find the world around me bracing for the transition of summer into the back-to-school frenzy. For many summer is their time off or at least the time of longer days and a couple weeks of vacation. For me summer was unusually busy. I went from teaching online in the mornings to teaching both mornings and evenings. I have been planning VBS at my church and trying to transition the ministry from online to in person and back to online again as COVID cases rise and fall. This summer for me hasn’t held any beach days, stay-at-home vacations, or special times of deep rest and relaxation. So as everyone else is ramping up to get started with a new school year and dedicated work time I am looking forward to finally having the busy summer months behind me.
And I suspect that with COVID I am not the only one that finds my seasons a little upside down and backwards this year. Perhaps you too are feeling it hard to embrace the back-to-school and let’s-plan-out-the-rest-of-the-year mentality. Maybe this summer hasn’t been much of a vacation for you. And that’s okay. As I looked for a verse to meditate on today Ecclesiastes was not on my mind. But when I saw it, I knew. This is the truth I need to remember today. Not just as I transition from July to August. But as I began to question what this next season will bring. Perhaps everything will change. Perhaps nothing will. Or the more likely outcome is that some things will shift but life overall will remain the same.
If you don’t have big plans for August, if you aren’t even thinking about plans at this point in the year, then know you are not alone. Not all of us are in a season of planning and increasing productivity. Not all of us are coming off of a restful vacation feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to take on the world. Don’t allow the season of those around you to apply the pressure of forcing yourself into the same season as they’re in. For one thing is certain: God knows exactly when the seasons in your life will change. And he knows what each season brings. So whether you are heading into a stereotypical busy August or finally winding down after a hectic summer: trust Him. For he cares for you and he has a purpose in whatever season you are in.
Happy August! I’m cheering you on and wishing you the best in whatever this new month brings!