Dear American Church (AC), I have felt many things in my heart that I have wanted to say to you. But I couldn’t really decide on the best way to let you know what I feel. After lots of starts and unfinished attempts I remembered that there’s this one thing I am really good at…writing […]
Singleness and a Servant’s Heart
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 Not too long ago I wrote about The Gift of Singleness. If singleness is a gift from God, given to us by his grace, then are we not to use […]
My Favorite Books and Resources for Single Christians
Over the years I have read so many books and listened to so many podcasts on singleness, dating, and marriage that it’s hard to remember them all. But there are a few that have stuck with me and definitely changed the way I think on the topic. So here’s my list of my all time […]
Singleness and the Desire for Marriage
From the time I was a child I just knew that I would get married. Dreaming of my future husband and the nearly perfect life we would have together was never an ‘if’ sort of thing. It was always a ‘when’. It wasn’t until college and hitting my twenties without ever having dated that the […]
Singleness and Sanctification
One of the main reasons given for Christian marriage is sanctification. There’s no denying that living with and loving another human being shows you all the icky stuff about yourself and tests your ability to show grace and mercy to others. It also makes sense that secret sin is a lot less likely to be […]
Singleness and Gratitude
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Perhaps as a single it can be easy to think and talk about all of the things we are lacking. For women, maybe it’s coming home and knowing you won’t have a shoulder to cry on […]
The Truth About Discipleship
There’s a saying I’ve heard that goes something like this: People won’t really care how much you know until they know how much you care. As far as I know, this isn’t taken from scripture. But life experience has taught me that it is often very true. I can scream at the top of my […]
The more I live the more I learn what a funny thing home is. Some say it’s the place you were born, the place you now reside, or perhaps it’s the place your heart most longs to be. I think home is a little bit of all three, with each piece of home pulling at […]
Las Historias Bíblicas no Son Solamente para los Niños
Recuerdo bien que desde niña pasaba mis vacaciones del verano acostada en mi cama con mi mirada bien fijado en el libro que más recién había descubierto en la biblioteca. Mis papás siempre se quejaron de que pasaba todo mi tiempo sola y encerrada en mi cuarto. Pero lo que no sabían es que lejos […]
Why Bible Stories Aren’t Just for Children
As a child I often spent my summer vacations sprawled out on my bed with my face buried in my most recent discovery from the local library. My parents would regularly complain that I spent all of my time alone in my room cooped up and hidden away from the outside world. But what they […]