Perhaps you’ve heard of the word of the year idea where people choose a word going into the New Year. It could be something like ‘patience’ or ‘friendship’ or ‘grace’. Whatever word you choose, the idea is to go into the year paying attention to that idea. Noticing where it pops up or where it needs to be cultivated in yourself or your own life. I’ve always thought it was a neat idea, but have struggled with putting a word label on the future. So this year, I tried something different, inspired by an invitation to put a word on the last few weeks of the year. And instead, I found a word for all of 2022.
Green is the color of my husband’s suit on our wedding day, of the forest that surrounded us along with our closest friends and family. It’s the color of the succulents our guests took home, some of which I’d like to think are still alive and growing.
Green is the color of growth, of life.
Like the life I have been able to more fully live as 2022 unfolded. After two whole years of survival mode, it feels good to experience growth again.
Green is the color of the mountains and the fields in the new tiny town we moved to just outside the city.
And it just so happens to be the color of the notebook I filled with my hopes, prayers, fears, and desires throughout the year.
2022 was a year of green. In all the best ways.
Maybe you didn’t have a word for 2022 either. But maybe you’d like to give it one now that it’s behind you, but still close enough for reflection.
As I walk into 2023, I feel good giving 2022 her word. And if I’m being totally honest, I’ve already given one to 2023. I’ll share a little more about it in a separate post very soon.
What word would you give 2022? I’d love to hear it, and as much as you’d like to share about why you chose it.
And here’s to 2023. May it be another year of green.
A Word for 2022