A Study of Light

In my last post, I shared about 2022: the year of green. I chose the word green at the end of the year after reflecting back on the moments that were most important. This year, for the first time, I am choosing a word going into the New Year. In fact, on this last day of January, I can say that I have already done quite a bit of meditating on the word. Light. Light as in the sunrise and sunset that will mark each day of the year. Light as in the stars I look up to see each night.

Being a photographer, light is something I am always paying attention to. How will this light make my subject look? How can I play with the settings on my camera to make the light look this way or that way? But as a believer, light also takes on another meaning for me. Jesus says he is the light of the world. And he calls me to be like a light on a hill, a candle that is not hidden but rather burns for all to see. So throughout this year, I plan to read every single verse in the Bible that mentions the word ‘light’. There are quite a few, and I’ll also be reading their surrounding context to make sure I understand them better. And I am excited to share some of the new things I’ll learn here with you. My intention is to take my natural tendency and need to observe physical light and use it as a constant reminder to meditate on the one, true Light of the World. And as a consequence I hope to, much like the moon with the sun, reflect more of His light so that those around me may see more clearly, and be helped along the way as they walk their path in life.

To start off this study of light, I’d like to share a verse that has already stuck out to me, and that God has been using to teach me more about who he is:

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James 1:17

It has been such a blessing for me to know and understand that the Father of Lights, the creator of all things good and perfect, desires to give me good and perfect things. And perhaps, even more, to know that his goodness never changes. While the light may look different at each hour of the day casting highlights and shadows over the created world, the Creator has no shadows in Him. No moments where the light looks like darkness. And I can trust in Him to walk in the light one day at a time. Un día a la vez.